- 答:英文读书报告例文:
I read the book written by luxun .it is called zhaohuaxishi. it includes 10 short articles about thewriters stories .they are based on his own experience , when i read this book i feel very happy to seeluxuns childhood. it was diffrent from ours,so we may find it intersting and exciting.
luxuns langange is very great but maybe difficult to understand . but through his words ,we canfind his happiness in his heart .
问:英文读书报告 急
- 答:这四本小说是我这个陪凳学期写过论文的,在语言风格上都比较简易,好读又经典,写书评或者论文的话,可选角度也比较多的。
Bram Stoker的 Dracula。 是吸血股故事的始祖。。 很好看,文字也不难。有电影版的,不过与原著有些出入。
Murder on the Orient Express, 犯罪迅乱枝小说女王 Agatha Christie名作。如果你不去看剧透,坚持读完小说的话,结局很精彩···有同名电影
Jerzy Kosinski的Being There, 很短很精彩的一本黑色幽默小说,同名的电影也十分精彩亩敏,获奖无数。
W. Somerset Maugham 的 The Painted Veil,关于爱情,背叛与死亡。“小说《面纱》以其对人类欲望,恐惧和道德等内在世界的准确建构,而成为一部艺术的杰作。” 电影《面纱》:好莱坞视角诠释上世纪20年代的中国。。
- 答:我可以为你写,200分. xxwarxpertxx@